Tuesday, December 12, 2006


On Tuesday 12th Dec 2006, we woke up very early not as usual, in order to assemble in front of KLCC before 8:00am. On that day we were supposed to go for a field trip to PUSAT SAINS NEGARA – Malaysia & Astro. On the other hand, The lunching of Measat 3 have been done while we where in our way to PUSAT SAINS NEGARA that’s why we couldn’t catch it out.

PUSAT SAINS NEGARA is a national museum which is located some kilometers far out Kuala Lumpur. It is actually the place in which natural creatures, herbals, reptiles, insects, birds and science can all be found under one roof. On the other hand, it is considered to be an organization which is almost the same like Petrosains , but it’s more general than Petrosains which is have a different scoop that relates science to oil and gas industries.

In my point of view, although PUSAT SAINS NEGARA is huge and have a variety of things, I still find Petrosains to be more interesting , because it’s focus into science more than PUSAT SAINS NEGARA do . For the 3 hours that we have been their , I have learnt a lot of things. Thus , I would like to share with you some of the things that caught my curiosity.

Let’s check them out together ……….

Bugs and Butterflies ( Coooool haaaaaaa )

What is a reptile?

There are about 5200 different species of reptile alive today. The majority of these are snakes and lizards.

· Are cold-blooded
· Breathe air using lungs
· Have dry, scaly skins

There are four main group. These are turtles and tortoises , the lizards, the snakes and the crocodiles and their relatives.
Example: Iguana and forest gecko

Forest Gecko

Habitat : little-disturbed forested areas.

Location : South Thailand, Malaysia & Singapore

This large gecko is similar to the Tokay but it has green eyes nocturnal species.
Food consists mainly of large insect.

The Stick Insects

Some stick insects are slender, brown or green, just like the twigs and leaf stalks they sit on. Other species are shorter and fatter, with spines and other projection. These often look like curled dead leaves. They are vegetarian.

Eish …….. I still can’t believe that I rolled that snake around my nick !!!!!!!!!

Arch of AQUARIUM Tunnel

This semi circle arch is a sample of the material used to build the aquarium tunnel.

Features of the tunnel are as follows:
Length = 8.0 m
Width = 5.0 m
Height = 2.5 m
Material = Clear Perspex (Acrylic)
Thickness of Perspex = 8.0 cm

Common Name : Blue Peafowl/ Peacock
Scientific name : Pavo Cristatus
Family : Phasianidae
Distribution : India & Sri lanka
Habitat : Open forest, grassland with scattered trees

As a wild bird, it lives in deciduous tropical forests and feed in open places such as clearing or cultivated fields. It’s diet consists of seeds, fruit and other parts of plants, as well as small animals ranging from insects to mice. Peacocks are agile enough to fly up into the higher branches of trees to roost. It’s nest is a shallow hollow made by the birds, bare or lined with sticks, leaves and grass, and often concealed in thorny undergrowth.
Scientists test their hypothesis by doing an experiment. A good experiment includes:

  • Subject – the thing being studied under set conditions

  • Control – one subject kept in an unchanged state

  • Variable – the one factor that could be altered each time the experiment is done

  • Keeping good records of what is observed

  • Checking results to see if they support the hypothesis

Wise sayings which graphed my attention:

“To think creatively, we must be able to look a fresh at what we normally take for granted. “_ George Knelled

“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” _ Albert Einstein

“I may not know yet how to make a light bulb, but I know 10,000 ways that won’t work.” _ Thomas Edison

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