Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Cultural Performance (11-12-2006)

'Some Times Photos Talk better that Words' , Smile in each
of all those faces reflects how Happy and Satisfied they are . :-)

Since two days before the performance, when have been asked to prepare for the performance, we started to optimize our ideas and do brainstorming in order to create our own ideas and utilize our own technique in the performance.

To be honest, we worked hard to prepare for this show and we almost spent the whole two days preparing and practicing. Although the performance did start a little bit late, it was smooth, well organized and all the audiences enjoyed it. How can’t it be organized while I was the one how ran every thing (The Media). :-)

The following is the performances for each country:

Malaysia ------------>>>>> Fashion Show + Dance
Thailand------------>>>>> Thai Dance
Vietnam ----------->>>>> Vietnam Dance
Iran --------------->>>>> Drama – Iran New Year
Turkmenistan ----->>>>> Drama – The Wise Man
Yemen ------------>>>>> Yemen ‘Arabian Happy Land’
Sudan ----------->>>>> Offshore platform
Egypt ----------->>>>> Mummy’s Show

Regards & Cheers To All,
Ahmed Siddig

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