Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Inquiry Workshop (7-12-2006)

On the 7th of December, we have started the day by going throw 3 stations A, B & C
In those stations, we were required to build up spinning tops according to certain criteria's and in different approaches

Station A: Guidelines method
Station B: Challenges method
Station C: Exploration method

Those are the facts that have been figured out form the workshop:
• All approaches to hands-on science are not alike – each approach has distinguishable characteristics.
• Different approached to hands-on science support different objects for learning.
• Effective science teaching requires using a variety of approaches and matching the appropriate approach with specific content, process, and attitudinal learning goals.

Our Spinning Tops

How to Challenge yourself: Do what you don’t want to do, Don’t do what you want to do.

Ahmed Siddig

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